15 September 2009

RESULTS: Sept. '09

7) 2nd year language (29.9.9):
Although it is usual for the level of students taking the exam after the summer holidays to be lower than normal, owing to the very low level of the results of these candidates, I have decided to list only those who passed the examination. In this year's preliminary words about the 2nd year LINGUA course I shall post important advice for students who take the examination with me. I strongly recommend that those candidates who have not passed this time should a) come and see their papers during my ricevimento hours; b) perhaps attend some lessons before the Winter session; 3) take notice of what I shall write on this blog about examinations.

These students passed the 2nd year LINGUA examination:

6) 1st year language (29.9.9):

5) 2nd year language (17.9.9):
1101002 (VT)-25/30
1155401 (GT)-insufficiente
1164331 (FM)-18/30
1174781 (BM)-insufficiente
1177646 (EP)-22/30
1187611 (LP)-23/30
1207156 (VP)-19/30
1208789 (EV)-23/30
1210025 (SP)-insufficiente
1214817 (PP)-24/30
1215870 (GS)-26/30

4) 1st year language (17.9.9):
1279123 (IN) 27/30
1285129 (MP) 24/30

3) Vecchio Ordinamento:
III & IV prova scritta
Superata con "sufficiente*"
MELFI, R. S. (972183)

2) 2nd year specialistica Scienze della traduzione indirizzo tecnico-scientifico:
There is no oral examination; these are the marks:
633657 (LF): 27/30
863705 (AV): 22/30
975787 (RR): 18/30
976997 (RR): 24/30
978149 (MF): insuffciente
978270 (EL): 23/30
978895 (AV): 18/30
1181171 (GF): insufficiente
1217780 (LCV): 20/30

1)2nd year specialistica Scienze della traduzione indirizzo artistico-letterario:
863705 (VA): 22/30
This student has to do an oral part for the examination and should come to my ricevimento or to the exams on 17/9 or 29/9 when I shall give the text for the oral exam.