03 February 2010

URGENT: 2° anno specialistica 2° semestre timetable

It seems that there is general agreement about Thursdays from 10.30 to 12.30 as our 2nd weekly lesson. This will be in the department and I shall announce the room later. The first lesson will, in any case, be on a Tuesday at the Vetreria Sciarra in San Lorenzo from 14.00 to 16.00.

This announcement is for those few people (from Scienze della trad. art/scient, & Studi ling. & lett.) who will be attending courses in the 2nd semester of this year (i.e. 2nd year students who have to get 8 credits). As previously announced, there has been a change in timetable, cancelling the Wednesday morning slot. Nothing at a useful time is available for us in the ex-vetreria Sciarra. On the other hand, a room will be available for us at certain times in Villa Mirafiori. I suggest as a preference Thursdays from 10.30-12.30, or 12.30-14.30. If Thursday is impossible for you, Wednesday mornings from 08.30-10.30 or 10.30-12.30 would be an good alternative.

PLEASE, all of you, URGENTLY write to me at wilsonsapienza@libero.it, stating in the subject line "2° spec timetable" and giving me 1) preferences 2) impossibilities. I need this information by and not after the morning of Monday 8th February.