These are the results of the written examination. Details for the oral part of the exam will be found below. Those who passed may take this part on Monday 12th December at 10.00. They should write an email to me at wilsonsapienza@libero.it to confirm this. If they have already passed the other part of the examination with prof. Wardle, then they will be able to register with her at 11.00 that morning.
1134944 - LS - 23/30
1135613 - MP - 18/30
1177517 - MCF - 21/30
1333560 - MS - insufficiente
This will also be in two parts. 1) Choose and learn by memory any poem of at least 14 lines (EXCEPT lyrics to popular songs, which will not be accepted, and except Shakespeare's 18th Sonnet and Wordsworth's "Daffodils"). This will be recited with good pronunciation during the exam (bring a copy for the examiner) and the candidate will be asked questions about it and be expected to be able to converse on the topic. 2) The candidate will be asked to explain in simple, clear and correct English precisely how to perform a simple task, like, for example, making an omelette, sewing a button onto a shirt, etc. No previous warning will be given about the nature of these tasks. This will test the candidate's ordinary ability to speak comprehensible English.
1204802 - SS - 22/30
1215481 - IA - 25/30
1246160 - GDF - 18/30
1248493 - MDF - insufficiente
1256535 - MDB - 18/30
1279636 - PDE - insufficiente
1283074 - MD - 23/30
1348022 - HA - 25/30
N.B. This exam will be registered by prof. Plescia.
Those who did not pass may see their papers during my ricevimento.
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