08 January 2014


Esami Scritti di Lettorato - gennaio 2014





                         Vecchississimo ordinamento Laurea Quadriennale - III & IV anno
mercoledì 22 gennaio 2014, ore 15.00
 aule da definire

PRENOTAZIONE: Esclusivamente tramite email dal 3 al 17 gennaio. Studenti A – H  Hillan (mhillan@hotmail.com) studenti I-Z Wilson (wilsonsapienza@libero.it - NB students should not expect a reply by return mail for I do not have a smart phone, nor do I spend all my time answering student mail; if, after about 5 days during term time, there is no reply, they may write again) -  Specificare cognome, nome, numero  di  matricola e corso  di  laurea. Gli studenti  sono  pregati  di portare all’esame la mail  di  conferma della  prenotazione che riceveranno.


(These are not all published at once. Urgent results are published first. Do not worry if your name is not there until the last student, whose name begins with "Z" has been listed.)

STUDENTI M-Z (see www.hillansapienza.blogspot.it for A-L)

Studenti recupero crediti:
PERRONE, Simona, 26/30
SECH, Sylwia, insufficiente
VASCELLARI, Esmeralda, 21/30
The students who passed should come for the ORAL part of the examination on Monday 27th January at 10.30 (stanza Anglistica-Lettori next to aula III). Instructions will be found above. The other students may come and see their papers.

Studenti laureandi:
MASSIMI, V. 1215245, MLC, 18/30

MATERA, V. 1220564, MLC, 18/30
ORFINI, G. 1270647, insufficiente
SONNANTE, G. 1133912, insufficiente

The students who passed should come for the ORAL part of the examination on Monday 27th January at 10.30 (stanza Anglistica-Lettori next to aula III). Instructions will be found above. MLC students who have to do the exam with prof. Wardle should arrange with her by email as soon as possible. The other students may come and see their papers during my ricevimento (times found above).

Other III year students M-Z
MASSIMI, G. 1341858, insufficiente

PAROLICCHIO, F. 1319180, insufficiente
PASCULLI, F. 1198816, 20/30
RADYSHEVSKA, V. 1028553, insufficiente
SANNA, A. 977780, ritirata
SARSALE, C. 1067022, insufficiente
TARTAGLIA, S. 1093554, insufficiente
TOSCANO, V. 911248, insufficiente
VENTURO, GB. 692844, 25/30
ZAKHARCHUK, O. 1384732, insufficiente
ZARRO, D. 1207532, insufficiente

The students who passed should come for the ORAL part of the examination on Wednesday 29th January at 10.30 (stanza Anglistica-Lettori next to aula III) alternatively on Monday 3rd February at 10.30 - I have to cancel Monday and now state WEDNESDAY 5th February at 10.30 or DURING RICEVIMENTO 20th OR 26th FEBRUARY.
Instructions will be found above. MLC students who have to do the exam with prof. Wardle should arrange with her by email as soon as possible. The other students may come and see their papers during my ricevimento (times found above)