30 May 2007

***!!! VERY IMPORTANT!!!***

Since students who took the esonero with me, with Prof Bates & with Prof Leyland are still signing up to sit the examination on 6th June, I REPEAT THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION:

**N.B. Any student who does not get a minimum of 18 is VERY STRONGLY ADVISED not to take the examination on 6th as a 'non-frequentante' since his or her level of English is unlikely to improve sufficiently within a few days, and it will be a waste of time all round. Similarly, a student who is unhappy with the mark in the 'esonero' and decides to try to improve it in the official examination is also unlikely to improve in the same few days and in any case, the moment the student decides to take the examination, the 'esonero' is no longer valid, even if that mark is higher than that of a subsequent examination. Students with low marks are advised to study over a substantial period before attempting the exam again.