07 May 2008

EXAMS III YEAR, sessione estiva 2007/8

The written examination will take place @ 08.30 on Wednesday 11 June '08.
It will, as usual, take the form of a grammar test (translation from Italian to English without dictionaries), and a composition in English, for which one English dictionary per candidate will be allowed.

Exams for non-frequentanti (3rd year & 'specialistica')
III year students who will be examined outside of the courses ('non-frequentanti') will first have to pass a written examination at advanced level. It will be in the form of a grammar test based upon putting Italian sentences into English, and an analysis, written in English, of the language of an English advertisement.

The recommended books for this are as follows:
Sara THORNE, 'Mastering Advanced English Grammar', Palgrave (1997), especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 20;
Mark FOLEY & Diane HALL, 'Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar', Longman (2003);
Jennifer PUDNEY, 'Written English for Advanced Learners', Rome (2003)

During the oral examination you may be asked about grammar problems arising from your written paper. You should prepare the rest of the exam as follows: an oral analysis of two newspaper articles (one from a tabloid, one from a broadsheet), both of the same date and about the same news topic. You may not use material from other courses you have attended and the newspapers must be from a date during the SEVEN DAYS PRECEDING YOUR ORAL EXAM;