TIMETABLE (2008-2009)

1st year language courses:
Students N-R
This course will be in the 1st semester.
Wednesdays, 08.30-10.30 in Aula VI.
It will start on 1st October.
Students S-Z
This course will be in the 2nd semester.
Wednesdays, 08.30-10.30 in Aula VI.
2nd year specialistica students for Scienze della traduzione:
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 14.30-16.30 in Aula VII.
Tec/sc students who wish to attend will do only the first semester.
Art/lett students will do both semesters.
Please refer to my posting for 11th October 2007 for more details, or contact me by email.
Lessons will start on Wednesday 15th October.
Wednesdays 10.30-12.30 (but this may change)
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