EXAMS (winter session)
Please remember that next week there are written examinations for the lettorato courses. Those concerning courses I taught will be as follows:
III year: Wednesday 18/1/12 @ 08.30
(this includes 3rd & 4th year of the vecchissimo ordinamento)
II year (laurea magistrale & specialistica): Monday 16/01/12 @ 15.00.
You must enrol for these examinations on the dept. web site.
My 2nd year course for last year (A-D). There will be a written examination on 31st January @ 10.30 in aula VI. Students will then register the results of their full 2nd year exam with prof. Iolanda Plescia, who will be registering for me in her appelli. Students must enrol for this examination in the folder which will be in the corridor of Anglistica from Monday.
There will be a 2nd written examination during the morning of Wed. 22nd February (details of time and room to be announced later)
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