CORSO DI LINGUA II anno (semester 1, part A)
2nd year course:
Sara Thorne, "Mastering Advanced English Language", Palgrave (1997. Chapters: 1,3,4,5,6,11,19,20
Julian Jenkyns, "La parola degli inglesi: University English for Italian Students" Nuova Italia Scientifica (Roma, 1991), chapters1, 2, 3, 4.
photocopied material given during the course.
LETTORATO III anno (all year)
Written English for Advanced Learners, Jennifer Pudney. Roma - available at Feltrinelli International
Mastering Advanced English Language, Sara Thorne. Palgrave
Chapters :
The Structure of English
How to Use your Knowledge
The Language of Newspapers
The Language of Advertising
Other Varieties
How to Use your Knowledge (last chapter )
Practical English Usage, Third Edition, Michael Swan. O.U.P.
Grammar Scan, Swan & Baker. OUP
English Collocations in Use, Upper- Intermediate. McCarthey & O’Dell. C.U.P.
Additional course work will be distributed at lessons
The course will cover upper-intermediate grammar as well as linguistic analysis. The written test will focus on translation( Italian to English) and the linguistic analysis of an advertisement. The oral exam will be based on a contrastive analysis of newspapers. Those who need 8 credits will do this oral exam with the lettore. Those students who need only 4 credits (Matricolati 2007/8) will do the written exam with the lettore and the oral with prof Wardle.
LETTORATO LAUREA SPECIALISTICA II (1st semester for all students, 2nd for selected)
The first semester will be a revision of basic and advanced grammar. There will be no specific text book and we shall rely upon material distributed in class. That does not mean that a text book should not be consulted. However, the nature of this will depend upon the level of English of each individual student. There will be written grammar test at the end of the semester, which will be based on putting short passages from Italian into fluent English. The Swan textbook for the 3rd year, which is mentioned above, might be a good starting point for those who consider their English is shaky. As this is a fifth year course, students are expected to be able to prepare their own course of study. I recommend coming to ricevimento in order to be followed more closely (see below).