17 September 2010


With Prof. Julia Hairston, who now teaches at the Rome program of the University of California, we are again organizing conversation groups for our students and American students. Our students can go to Piazza dell'Orologio 7 where each will be paired with one American student to talk for an hour in English and an other in Italian. The dates for this semester are Thursday October 7, Oct 28, Nov 25, and Dec. 2 from 9 to 11.00.

Up to 60 students can go each time. They should sign up in the lettori room.

N.B. These hours are valid instead of language laboratory hours for "frequentanti" students.

10 September 2010


Results of the written examinations will appear here.

LINGUA II year triennale
2° appello autunnale settembre 2010

1165336 - VM - 20/30
1227975 - CP - insufficiente
1240017 - FP - ritirata
1263923 - SP - 21/30
1263949 - NO - 24/30
1277537 - DS - 23/30
1279434 - MP - 21/30
1284574 - VP - insufficiente
1286443 - JS - insufficiente

Those who have passed this exam and the lettorato for the 2nd year, may come to register the marks in any session, through INFOSTUD.

Lettorato III year triennale

969972 - LD - insufficiente
973946 - ADO - 20/30
978283 - LC - insufficiente
983889 - GDV - 18/30
984521 - AA - 19/30
1052709 - LDM - 19/30
1068869 - MA - insufficiente
1072691 - MC - insufficiente
1072976 - LC - insufficiente
1105651 - FC - 18/30
1126840 - EA - insufficiente
1131465 - AC - insufficiente
1143761 - LA - insufficiente
1146550 - CC - insufficiente
1156924 - VA - 18/30
1615234 - VC - insufficinete
1161540 - DL - insufficiente
1165155 - SDD - 19/30
1167573 - IB - 18/30
1169119 - CD - insufficiente
1171911 - IA - 18/30
1174057 - SB - 18/30
1174350 - FC - insufficiente
1175135 - CDA - insufficiente
1178614 - AD - 19/30
1188891 - CB - insufficiente
1190988 - OB - insufficiente
1201858 - NA - 18/30
1202407 - CC - insufficiente
1202811 - MIDM - insufficiente
1209824 - ADM - ritirata
1210464 - TC - ritirata
1211181 - DDP - 24/30
1213127 - MFC - insufficiente
1215110 - EB - ritirata
1215230 - SDB - insufficiente
1216095 - LB - 26/30
1217024 - EDM - insufficiente

The oral exam for those "laureandi" students who have passed the written exam will be on Wednesday 22nd September at 09.30 in the "stanza lettori". Instructions for the examination will be found below. "Laureanda" candidates who did not pass the examination may come to see their papers during my "ricevimento" hours.

All other 8 credit students in the list above, who have passed the written part of the examination, MUST write to me by email and come for the oral part on either:
Wed. 29th September @ 10.00
Thur. 30th September @ 15.00

Those candidates who did not pass the written part of the examination may come to see their papers on Thursday 23rd September @ 10.00. This is highly recommended (only 4 students came).

The papers were poorly done and, as will be clear when you come to see me, I shall recommend that most students start a course of study which will prepare them for the January session. Some of them will need to think in terms of next June. To give you an example of how easy the exam should have been, here is JUST ONE POSSIBLE rendering of one of the sentences in simple and obvious English:
"It is worrying, or rather, the situation is dramatic. The number of university graduates in government has fallen, from 90% of the population in the 1960s to 60% today. However, their income is eight times higher than that of the average Italian. Have these politicians ceased to represent us? Yes, they have. In the meantime the number of people in Italy with degrees has increased."

II year specialistica:
Studi Lett & Ling:
970309 - GA - 25/30
975814 - SC - insufficiente
1252186 - IDA - 18/30
1264372 - RC - insufficiente
Those students who have passed the written exam should come to see me in ricevimento to arrange a text to study for the oral part and a suitable date. Those who failed the written part should come in my office hours to see their papers.

Scien. Trad. Tec/Scient:
978149 - MF - insufficiente
980657 - VD - insufficiente
984308 - GS - 18/30
1063900 - SF - insufficiente
1072534 - DP - insufficiente
1129752 - ECF - 24/30
1223828 - GB - insufficiente
1288542 - AP - 20/30
1136732 - GP - 20/30
N.B. This "specialistica" examination MUST be done more seriously. There are too many students inventing words ("temporals", "mentionated", "Lega North", "extracommunities", "garant", "dismission"), which look as if they belong in a film by Totò or Alberto Sordi and not in an examination for a postgraduate degree in translation studies. The extraordinary number of candidates who were unable to tell the difference between "foreigners" and "strangers" or "Europeans" and "non-EU nationals" is shameful for a leading European university and especially from ex-students of "Mediazione Linguistica".

Dates for the 3rd year oral part will appear here and candidates who have passed the written exam will write to me by email to confirm a date. Their names will be listed here, except for the "laureandi" above.

For the 3rd year oral:
For the oral examination students are required to bring two copies (photocopies) of two articles on the same subject, of their own choice. One must be from a broadsheet newspaper, the other one from a tabloid. The articles must have been published within the seven days preceding the oral examination. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPARE THE LANGUAGE OF THE ARTICLES. THOSE STUDENTS WHOSE WRITTEN EXAM WAS TAKEN IN A DIFFERENT SESSION SHOULD BRING WITH THEM A PRINT-OUT OF THEIR MARK AS ON THIS BLOG.

PLEASE remember that you choose the articles on which your final oral examination is based and therefore you must choose suitably and prepare the work carefully.

Sara THORNE, 'Mastering Advanced English Grammar', Palgrave (1997), especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 20;
Mark FOLEY & Diane HALL, 'Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar', Longman (2003) [this is a book for self-study];
Jennifer PUDNEY, 'Written English for Advanced Learners', Rome (2003)

RICEVIMENTO (until teaching starts)

Wed. 15.9.10 @ 11.00
Wed. 22.9.10 @ 9.00
Wed. 29.9.10 @ 9.00
Keep an eye on this space for any changes.

07 September 2010


1) All enrolment for LETTORATO exams (other than the "esoneri" done within the courses themselves) is always done online at: http://scienzeumanistiche.uniroma1.it/
2) Enrolment for my LINGUA II exams (written) must be done by signing the paper lists in the corridor of the Anglistica section on the 1st floor of Villa Mirafiori ("in dipartimento") from Wed 8th September.
3) Enrolment for VERBALIZZAZIONE of completed Lingua & lettorato exams, must be done on INFOSTUD on the university website.

4) EXAM DATES: written exams II LINGUA:
1° appello: merc. 15.09.2010 ore 13.30 aula III
2° appello: giov. 30.09.2010 ore 11.00 aula III

N.B. CONTROLLATE QUA PRIMA DI VENIRE (these dates and times are written now without my having a clear idea of how timetables will be organised this year).
1° appello:
Wed. 22.09.2010 @ 09.00
Thur. 23.09.2010 @ 09.00
Wed. 29.09.2010 @ 09.00
2° appello:
Thur. 30.09.2010 @ 15.00
Wed. 06.10.2010 @ 09.00
Wed. 13.10.2010 @ 09.00