Results for II year LINGUA examination 2° appello
1165336 - VM - 19
1179800 - MC - insufficiente
1210365 - MS - 18
1213484 - MP - insufficiente
1215481 - IA - insufficiente
1217275 - AR - insufficiente
1263923 - SP - insufficiente
1263949 - NO - 22
1265757 - SP - 22
1267016 - PP - 25
1268276 - EP - 30
1277537 - DS - insufficiente
1277660 - CP - 23
1284574 - VP - insufficiente
Gli studenti che non hanno superato la prova possono vedere i loro elaborati a ricevimento.
Results for III year written examination:
These are the results of the written examination. Those who are doing an 8 credit 3rd year exam should write me an email specifying the day they wish to do the oral exam either this session or in September. Since the level of the marks is genrally low this session, the oral exam should be very well prepared if candidates wish to improve their marks. Details of requirements for the oral part of the examination may be found at the foot of this posting.
746354 - VT - INSUFF
903618 - MCI - 19
970698 - EI - INSUFF
978358 - SP - 21
976060 - MP - 19
1010218 - CS - 18
1049311 - VM - INSUFF
1062030 - AM - INSUFF
1068737 - VTT - 23
1068808 - SP - INSUFF
1072115 - MP - INSUFF
1098259 - GR - INSUFF
1098616 - BP - 18
1103864 - DN - INSUFF
1127320 - LN - INSUFF
1129130 - FT - INSUFF
1133280 - SS - INSUFF
1134521 - AM - 19
1143362 - VO - 18
1170735 - CP - 19
1171027 - RP - 24
1173787 - AEM - 18
1177132 - MT - 23
1177917 - JP - 23
1185818 - DS - 18
1187479 - AMME - INSUFF
1187611 - LP - 20
1188508 - NS - 21
1190152 - MGM - INSUFF
1190988 - OB - INSUFF
1195059 - VP - INSUFF
1204730 - NAJ - INSUFF
1206028 - YL - 18
1207496 - AMI - 18
1208037 - FL - 18
1208879 - AP - 21
1210248 - FM - 22
1211948 - FM - 241212660 - SP - INSUFF
1213537 - GI - INSUFF
1213597 - FMR - 18
1213980 - SS - INSUFF
1215970 - GS - 21
1216024 - ER - 19
1216622 - RP - INSUFF
1217433 - FP - 28
1218294 - NT - 26
1219098 - CR - 21
1220708 - SI - INSUFF
Tuesday 6th July during the morning from 10.00 ti 11.00 or during ricevimento after that date.
Results for the II year LINGUA exam 1° appello:
1228440 - SS - INSUFFICIENTE 12/30
1201773 - GR - insufficiente 14/30
1210025 - SP - 20/30
1217058 - CT - 25/30
1244218 - MS - insufficiente 15/30
1282019 - GP - 28/30
Those who have passed the examination will be able to register their 8 credits when they have successfully completed the Lettorato part of the examination (written & oral) and have enrolled on INFOSTUD. This can also be done in September 2010 or January 2011.
Results for the Laurea Specialistica II year exam (4 credit exam for Sc. Trad. tec/scient.)
These students passed the written examination.
RP - 1130047 - 22
MP - 978281 - 23
Those students who did not pass the exam are firmly invited to come to see their papers during my ricevimento from 23rd June onwards in order to plan their work so that they pass the examination next time they take it.
Results for Laurea Specialistica II year written papers (8 credit exam for Sc.Trad. art/let & Stud. ling & lett)EF - 984062 - 25
AP - 1265206 - 26+
LS - 1183946 -
insufficienteThose who passed the exam should come to my ricevimento to discuss the oral examination.Results for VECCHIO ORDINAMENTO (Quadriennali) 3rd & 4th yearsDi Palma (4th):
sufficienteGemmiti (3rd):
sufficiente **La Manna (3rd):
sufficiente **** means that these students, before starting to study for a 4th year examination, MUST come to see me about their 3rd year exam.
RESULTS for "Laureandi" examinations of 9th June 2010LETTORATO III annoFM - 1164331 - 18/30
EP - 1005817 - insuff
IR - 1072563 - insuff
AS - 1177167 - 18/30
MMS - 1157382 - insuff
SS - 1105111 - 18/30
See below on this posting for CLEAR INSTRUCTIONS on the oral exam.
The oral exam for those "laureandi" students who have passed the written paper will take place on Wednesday 15th June @ 8.30 in my room.2nd year spec/ scienze delle trad./ tec-scient.G B - INSUFF
The results of the Sessione Straordinario 3rd year marked by me are included in those published on the web site of Prof Hillan.ESONERO 3rd year triennale written examination:4 credit students, who will do their oral exam with Prof Wardle, if they have passed the written paper:
A.A. - 1200197 -
insufficienteAMB - 1188326 -
superatoPBB - 1213242 - 27/30
ALB - 1214994 - 26/30
SC - 1214476 - 24/30
FDL - 1205798 - 25/30
TD'O - 1209732 - 20/30
NKH - 1206588 -
superatoMFL - 1214397
insufficienteMM - 1193985 - 25/30
EO - 1215960 - 22/30
JP - 1208894 - 30/30
PP - 1214817 - 18/30
FR - 1215594 -
superatoES - 1204745 - 22/30
LS - 1218705 - 19/30
VT - 1210771 -
insufficiente8 credit students, who will do the oral examination with me and should prepare as stated below.
AB - 1215939 -
insufficienteAC - 1214038 - 23/30
VC - 1175990 -
insufficienteSDM - 1219644 -
insufficienteMG - 1064785 - 25/30
VL - 1216009 - 25/30
FM - 1215611 -
insufficienteAP - 1175318 - 23/30
SS - 1143203 - 30/30
DS - 4/12/67 - 23/30
VT - 1178121 - 19/30
Those candidates who did not pass the examination are strongly recommended to come to see their papers during ricevimento after examination week so that they may prepare well for the coming autumnal session.For the oral examination students are required to bring two copies (photocopies) of two articles on the same subject, of their own choice. One must be from a broadsheet newspaper, the other one from a tabloid. The articles must have been published within the seven days preceding the oral examination. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPARE THE LANGUAGE OF THE ARTICLES.
PLEASE remember that
you may choose the articles on which your final oral examination is based and therefore you must choose and prepare the work carefully.
Sara THORNE, 'Mastering Advanced English Grammar', Palgrave (1997), especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 20;
Mark FOLEY & Diane HALL, 'Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar', Longman (2003) [this is a book for self-study];
Jennifer PUDNEY, 'Written English for Advanced Learners', Rome (2003)ESONERO: 2nd year laurea specialistica This list includes students from both degree courses (SL&L, SdT-A/L):
CC - 1279069 - 26+
SC - 975814 -
insufficienteCC - 1136810 - 27+
CD - 1278887 - 27
IDA - 1252186 -
insufficienteDD - ? - 30
FG - 977580 - 18
SG - 1086670 - 22+
CI - 1063261 - 27
LI - 1102036 - 24
PI - 1285714 - 27
LM - 1062203 - 25
ER - 976935 - 23
CV - 1046615 - 22+
Those who have passed the written exam must come to me as soon as possible in ricevimento (e.g. Wed. 16th June) to arrange to sit the oral examination, in which case I shall hand out the texts to study or translate. Those who did not pass should come at the same time or after (but before the summer break) for advice on resitting the written exam in September.