EXAMS (Summer session 2010-2011)

(with apologies to baloocartoons.com for filching their image)
N.B. This post will be updated as and when necessary. Exam results will also be posted here in the relative sections.
(Plescia & Wilson II year)
13/07/2011 (After this date there will be no appello until September)
Vecchio Ordinamento (Laurea quadriennale).
Results of the written examination:
III year: PERAIZZA, Valeria, 966125 - discreto
IV year: LAMANNA, Teresa, 975526 - sufficiente
(Prof. Martino has the verbale)
The Esonero for those who attended the course will take place as agreed within the course.
The written exam for all others will take place during the week starting 6th June. It will be a grammar test at Proficiency (C2) level. There will be a section devoted to putting sentences written in Italian into good and fluent English (Pudney still has useful lessons, even at this level). Then there will be a section devoted to grammar exercises of the kind found in any book for proficiency-level students, for example Millington-Ward's Practice in the Use of English (1975), which is available in the dept (warning, there is no key for this book, so I recommend finding any other C2 level book with a key, if you are studying alone).
This will also be in two parts. 1) Choose and learn by memory any poem of at least 14 lines (EXCEPT lyrics to popular songs, which will not be accepted). This will be recited with good pronunciation during the exam (bring a copy for the examiner) and the candidate will be asked questions about it and be expected to be able to converse on the topic. 2) The candidate will be asked to explain in simple, clear and correct English precisely how to perform a simple task, like, for example, making an omelette, sewing a button onto a shirt, etc. No previous warning will be given about the nature of these tasks. This will test the candidate's ordinary ability to speak comprehensible English.
970774 - SI - insufficiente
976883 - JG - insufficiente
1072534 - DP - insufficiente
1127940 - AB - 27/30
1130527 - EDD - 20/30
1132053 - FC - insufficiente
1134473 - VV*
1134944 - LS - insufficiente
1173144 - VL - 24/30
1173604 - FB - 26/30
1177517 - MCF - insufficiente
* students whose paper is on hold until they have completed their 1st year, this session.
ORAL part of the exam: see above for details. Write me an email to confirm the date.
30.6.11 @ 12.00: DI DIO, BATTISTA
6.7.11 @ 09.00: BRACCI, LISI
1059484 MN 21/30
1064785 MG 24/30
1067746 LC 21/30
1070234 FDM 25/30
1074005 MPMB 30/30
1093792 VDP 26/30
1104488 CR 25/30
1126023 VV 21/30
1129595 SB 20/30
1130009 EM 27/30
1130659 MK insufficiente
1333560 MS insufficiente
1134610 ER 28/30
1348537 EAS 26/30
1134892 FL 26/30
1146941 AV 28/30
1151951 MM 25/30
1163852 MS 20/30
1169857 MR 25/30
1175250 FI 22/30
1247546 OM 19/30
1331862 IDL 23/30
1343408 VB 25/30
1352472 SS 25/30
1354932 AT 24/30
1365794 MM 29/30
1368089 SA 20/30
Those who did not pass the exam may come and see their papers in ricevimento after exam week.
Those who are dissatisfied with the result and are perhaps considering a resit are reminded that it is the most recent mark which is valid, even if this is a fail ( in other words, if someone gets 19/30 in the esonero and then takes the exam and get 16/30, which is not a pass mark, the candidate fails the exam).
Oral part of the exam: These are the dates for the oral part of the examination (instructions above). Mon. 13/VI/11 @ 09.00: RAFFAELI, VOTANO, MARTINEZ; Wed. 15/VI/11 @ 09.00: SERRA, CAPODILUPO, MENCHI; Mon. 20/V/11 @ 09.00: COLUZZI, MINOTTI, BRESSI, SCOGNAMIGLIO, LOGLISCI, ROSSI C, MALDARELLI, IMBRIANO; Wed. 22/VI/11 @ 09.00: TORRE, DI LORETO, VOLPE, SMAREGLIA, ALLEGRUCCI, ROSSI M, DE MARTINIS, DI PIETRO, GIOIA, BATTISTI (only one more place here). These are the valid dates for the time being, though others may be added later. To enrol for this part you must write me an email (wilsonsapienza@libero.it) to which I shall reply and add your name to the list here. When there are enough for any one day I shall close the list for that day.
As in recent years the examination will be in two parts. The first part will be a vocabulary and grammar examination which will take the form of putting sentences or passages in Italian into correct English. No dictionaries will be allowed. Students are not required to do a literal translation, much less a word for word translation. They are required to give the meaning of the Italian original in fluent and grammatically correct, full English sentences, using correct English punctuation. It is a grammar test.
For the second and main part of the examination, students will be allowed to use a clean, monolingual English dictionary. They will have to write a well-organised, academic essay/composition in which they will analyse and comment upon an advertisement. They are not expected to make general comments about advertising remembered from their study of the text book, unless these are specifically relevant to the advertisement given in the examination.
K50208 - IC 21/30
1070644 - SJ 23/30
1095015 - KK insufficiente
1125601 - RS insufficiente
1160922 - MP 22/30
1173170 - MR insufficiente
1177362 - VG insufficiente
1211595 - AM insufficiente
1213537 - GI insufficiente
1214242 - EP insufficiente
1216359 - VDV 24/30
1218100 - FV 27/30
1219029 - VB 30/30
1235167 - VD'E 21/30
1238579 - ALL 26/30
1239979 - GF 23/30
1240017 - FP insufficiente
1240461 - CF 23/30
1242153 - FC 30/30
1245026 - GS insufficiente
1246964 - CDC 22/30
1247016 - EDC 23/30
1249443 - IC insufficiente
1251854 - MZ 23/30
1255690 - IL insufficiente
1256385 - MY insufficiente
1257416 - LL 19/30
1260552 - ST 25/30
1263519 - CM 21/30
1264594 - VD'A 29/30
1264884 - MDB 23/30
1265757 - SP insufficiente
1265900 - AR 28/30
1267016 - PP 22/30
1269001 - LC insufficiente
1270005 - MM 23/30
1271621 - PL insufficiente
1271967 - SS 23/30
1272767 - GB 26/30
1274036 - MI 27/30
1274086 - MS 24/30
1275324 - VP 26/30
1275768 - ET insufficiente
1277660 - CP insufficiente
1278251 - VDF 23/30
1282019 - GP 20/30
1282570 - LF 24/30
1284243 - AEL insufficiente
1284306 - FO 25/30
1284524 - FC 20/30
1286606 - AS 24/30
1286627 - MF 26/30
1286966 - IS 23/30
1288791 - CB 21/30
699774 - CC 21/30
Remember that those students who have to do a total of 4 credits for the third year English examination will do their oral directly with prof. M. Wardle. Those others on this list who have passed the test and need a total of 8 (4+4) credits will do their oral part with me.
For the 3rd year oral:
For the oral examination students are required to bring two copies (photocopies) of two articles on the same subject, of their own choice. One must be from a broadsheet newspaper, the other one from a tabloid. The articles must have been published within the seven days preceding the oral examination. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO COMPARE THE LANGUAGE OF THE ARTICLES. THESE SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN FROM INTERNET.THERE IS AN AMPLE CHOICE OF NEWSPAPERS IN ROME AND IN LARGE TOWNS.
Dates for oral exams (you must enrol by writing an email to wilsonsapienza@libero.it):
20.VI.2011 @ 10.30: ZITO, MAZZA
Those students who have not passed the test are advised to resit in September after a good period of study. They should come to see their papers and find out why they failed the test before starting to bring work during ricevimento and organising a programme of study for the summer.
1st: Thursday 16th June @ 10.30 in aula V (this will also be the appello unico for Prof Plescia's 2nd year students);
2nd: Tuesday 28th June @ 10.30 in aula III.
These are written exams only. A folder in which you should write your name to enrol for the exam is in the corridor of Anglistica in Villa Mirafiori. Please specify if you are prof. Plescia's student when you enrol.
INFOSTUD is ONLY for registration of the complete exam (including lettorato).
*George Yule, Pragmatics, Oxford University Press 138 pages | 978-0-19-437207-7 | Paperback | 1996 (for the 12 credit exam)
Sara Thorne, Mastering Advanced English Language, Palgrave (1997) Chapters: 1,3,4,5,6,11,19,20
Julian Jenkyns, La parola degli inglesi: University English for Italian Students, Nuova Italia Scientifica (Roma, 1991), chapters1, 2, 3, 4.
* Those who are doing the 8 credit 2nd year exam (from last year and earlier) will not have to answer the question on Pragmatics on the paper although reading the book may well help them to write a better composition about the other question.
from frequentanti held back:
1191094 - EM - insufficiente
from 1st appello (16.06.2011):
1188038 - MAC - insufficiente
1206736 - SC - 22/30
1215481 - IA - insufficiente
1246160 - GDF - insufficiente
1316562 - MC - insufficiente
1327097 - ID - 27/30
1327293 - CC - 30 e lode
1352297 - EC - 24/30
II appello (28.06.2011)
a) students with a total of 8 CFU
1141993 - MA - insufficiente
1163407 (?) - AA - 27/30
1204037 - APFBB - 23/30
1216159 - AB - insufficiente
1218963 - LC - 30/30
1231610 - CDP - 25/30
1244727 - JD - insufficiente
1244852 - EC - 26/30
1248493 - MDF - insufficiente
1256535 - MDB - insufficiente
1271512 - FC - 20/30
1276312 - CD'A - 20/30
1277039 - JC - 28/30
1281457 - MDC - 24/30
1309801 - SD - 24/30
1312943 - LDC - insufficiente
1332748 - FC - insufficiente
b) students with a total of 12 CFU
1203411 - FB - 30/30
1318209 - SA - 20/30
1325385 - CDF - 18/30
1326270 - AC - insufficiente
1326301 - CDB - 23/30
1347836 - ED - 24/30
Those students who did not pass the examination may come to see their papers during my ricevimento hours (Wednesdays @ 10.30) so that they may prepare better for the coming autumnal session in September. The last ricevimento before September will be on 13th July.