AUTUMN EXAMS (details, dates, results &c.) and RICEVIMENTO times

REGISTRATION OF EXAMS. Students who need to register with me (including some of prof.Plescia's) should enrol on INFOSTUD.
ESAMI ORALI (please write to me via email to enrol for one of the days)
Thursday 29th September @ 09.00 (Moretti, Moscatelli, Solini, Mariorenzi,)
Wednesday 5th October @ 09.00 (Palumbo, Panatta, Trappolini, Tudisca, Stanisic, Mercuri, Dottori, Scala)
Thursday 6th Oct. @ 10.00 - PANDULLO, Vigliotti
List of those who passed the III year written examination and who will do the oral exam with me:
*Mercuri Ivan 18
*Moretti Matteo 26
*Moscatelli Allison 21
*Palumbo Federica 18
*Panatta Chiara 18
*Pandullo Giuseppina 18
*Scala Gianluca 20
*Solini Giorgia 18
*Stanisic Marko 24
*Trappolini Eleonora 23
*Tudisca Claudia 19
*Vigliotti Serena E 18
Thursday 22nd September @ 08.00
Wednesday 28th September @ 09.30
Wednesday 5th October @ 10.00
1248493 - MDF - insufficiente
1251599 - CT - insufficiente (paper held over from the esonero)
1258067 - SC - 18/30
1267885 - FDC - 23/30
1319972 - LF - 30/30
1051541 - KK - 18/30
1141193 - MA - 19/30
1190847 - CDP - 18/30
1215481 - IA - insufficiente
1216300 - FQ - 18/30
1246160 - GDF - insufficiente
1272115 - MD - 25/30
1276211 - RR - insufficiente
1279117 - SB - rinunciata
1283074 - MD - 18/30
1316562 - MC - 19/30
1324882 - GC - 28/30
1332748 - FC - 19/30
When those who have passed the examination have also passed the lettorato part of the exam, they may register by following indications given on INFOSTUD.
1) Lettorato:
2nd year Specialistica & Magistrale written exams (5th Sept. 2011):
976050 - ALDS - insufficiente
976883 - JG - 20/30*
977954 - KS - 28/30
1067744 - MPC - insufficiente
1072534 - DP - 21/30* (no oral exam, come to ricevimento for the pass slip)
1247546 - OM - 27/30
1132053 - FC - 25/30*
1134473 - VV - 21/30 (from 'held over' papers)
1134944 - LS - insufficiente
1333560 - MS - insufficiente
* = laureanda
This will also be in two parts. 1) Choose and learn by memory any poem of at least 14 lines (EXCEPT lyrics to popular songs, which will not be accepted). This will be recited with good pronunciation during the exam (bring a copy for the examiner) and the candidate will be asked questions about it and be expected to be able to converse on the topic. 2) The candidate will be asked to explain in simple, clear and correct English precisely how to perform a simple task, like, for example, making an omelette, sewing a button onto a shirt, etc. No previous warning will be given about the nature of these tasks. This will test the candidate's ordinary
ability to speak comprehensible English.
STUDENTS SHOULD ENROLL FOR THE ORAL EXAM BY WRITING TO ME AT: and giving their preference for the exam. Their names will be recorded here.
for laureande (*): 13th Sept. @ 08.30
for all: either Sat. 17th Sept. @ 10.00 or Friday 23rd Sept. @ 10.30
II year LINGUA exam, students A-D.
There will be two appelli in this autumn session. They will be on the following dates:
1st: Tuesday 13th September @ 10.30 in aula VI;
2nd: Thursday 22nd September @ 10.30 in aula VI.
These are written exams only. A folder in which you should write your name to enrol for the exam is in the corridor of Anglistica in Villa Mirafiori.
INFOSTUD is ONLY for registration of the complete exam (including lettorato).
REGISTRATION DATES for II year exams (enrol on INFOSTUD - other dates will be posted later):
Saturday 17th September @ 09.30
Friday 23rd September @ 10.00
*George Yule, Pragmatics, Oxford University Press 138 pages 978-0-19-437207-7 Paperback 1996 (for the 12 credit exam)
Sara Thorne, Mastering Advanced English Language, Palgrave (1997) Chapters: 1,3,4,5,6,11,19,20
Julian Jenkyns, La parola degli inglesi: University English for Italian Students, Nuova Italia Scientifica (Roma, 1991), chapters1, 2, 3, 4.
* Those who are doing the 8 credit 2nd year exam (from last year and earlier) will not have to answer the question on Pragmatics on the paper although reading the book may well help them to write a better composition about the other question.