29 April 2007

2 passages to put into English

from 'Leggo' (26.04.07)

a) Folla ieri ai funerali dei quattro ragazzi tra i 16 e 19 anni morti lunedì notte nell'incidente stradale provocato dallo scontro con un furgone guidato da un giovane rom ubriaco.

b) Trastevere brilla di nuova luce. Quella dei lampioni appena installati. Per lo storico rione è infatti partito nei giorni scorsi un restyling per i punti d'illuminazione. Acea e Campidoglio hanno scelto di installare dei nuovi lampioni a muro in stile ottocentesco. Realizzati con una speciale lega di ottone, ferro e rame daranno un tono più elegante ai vicoli trasteverini. Il tutto con un tocco di innovazione: le lampade daranno un fascio luminoso tre volte superiore ai vecchi.

21 April 2007

Great Speeches & Rhetoric

From today The Guardian newspaper is running a series based upon the rhetoric of some 20th century speeches. You may or not agree with some of the conclusions drawn (my feeling is that I shall not always agree), but those of you seriously interested in the subject might like to use the Guardian site. I suggest you should start from these links:

03 April 2007

Exams for non-frequentanti (3rd year & 'specialistica')

III year students who will be examined outside of the courses ('non-frequentanti') will first have to pass a written examination at advanced level. It will be in the form of a grammar test based upon putting Italian sentences into English, and an analysis, written in English, of the language of an English passage, which may be taken from the fields of advertising, politics or journalism.

The recommended books for this are as follows:

Sara THORNE, 'Mastering Advanced English Grammar', Palgrave (1997), especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 17, 20;
Mark FOLEY & Diane HALL, 'Longman Advanced Learners' Grammar', Longman (2003);
Jennifer PUDNEY, 'Written English for Advanced Learners', Rome (2003)

The same course-books are also valid for first year translation 'specialistica' students, who are expected to be able to write a critical analysis in good academic English and to pass a grammar test.

The 3rd year examination will be on Wednesday, 6th June @ 08.30
The 'specialistica' exam will be on Wednesday, 6th June @ 15.00*

* since our examination seems to clash with those of some other languages, it has been decided that ONLY THOSE PEOPLE WHO WILL BE DOING AN EXAM IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE ON 6th JUNE, and who wish to take their English exam this session, will be given the opportunity to take it on Monday 4th June @ 15.00. Naturally, if they take it on 4th, they cannot resit the exam on 6th.