CONTACT: (I have no smart phone and do not open student mail every day, so learn to be patient for a reply or come to ricevimento)
see also a Facebook profile for language stuff: Wilson Di Sapienza
25 February 2010
1st March 2010
2nd semester courses start on 1st March. My courses start on 2nd and so from the practical point of view I should not in any case be teaching on Monday. Nevertheless, although, like Italians, I am an EU citizen, I am an immigrant in this country and have experienced nationalist discrimination here. Thus I am using this forum to express my solidarity with those immigrants in Italy who have the courage not to work on Monday or to support the strike in whatever way they think fit.
I suggest you should all bookmark this site and play the spelling game as often as possible when you have some free time at the computer. You may listen to the word many times before typing the spelling, and there are help tips with the word in context and with a brief definition. It is not easy and you should beware of homophones.
Verbalizzazione You may now use INFOSTUD to enrol for the appello (only verbalizzazione). The next one will be on Wed 24th @ 11.00 and you need to enrol online on the infostud site of the Sapienza. Please do so as soon as possible.
There will be another two sessions for verbalizzazione ( Wed 3/3 & Wed 10/3) but they are not yet on the site, so you do not need to enrol for 24th if the other dates are more convenient.
N.B. Student 1272439 (SC, Gela 1987) who has to register only 4 credits for the 2nd year, should not come on Wed 24th as it is not yet possible. She will have to wait for a later date this session.
BECAUSE OF THE WORKMEN AND DUST IN OUR ROOM MY RICEVIMENTO FOR 11.02.10 IS CANCELLED. The next ricevimento time will be Next Wednesday 17th February at 09.30. That will be my new ricevimento time for this semester, except for before and after lessons by prior arrangement, and 'appelli' for exam registration.
URGENT: 2° anno specialistica 2° semestre timetable
It seems that there is general agreement about Thursdays from 10.30 to 12.30 as our 2nd weekly lesson. This will be in the department and I shall announce the room later. The first lesson will, in any case, be on a Tuesday at the Vetreria Sciarra in San Lorenzo from 14.00 to 16.00.
This announcement is for those few people (from Scienze della trad. art/scient, & Studi ling. & lett.) who will be attending courses in the 2nd semester of this year (i.e. 2nd year students who have to get 8 credits). As previously announced, there has been a change in timetable, cancelling the Wednesday morning slot. Nothing at a useful time is available for us in the ex-vetreria Sciarra. On the other hand, a room will be available for us at certain times in Villa Mirafiori. I suggest as a preference Thursdays from 10.30-12.30, or 12.30-14.30. If Thursday is impossible for you, Wednesday mornings from 08.30-10.30 or 10.30-12.30 would be an good alternative.
PLEASE, all of you, URGENTLY write to me at, stating in the subject line "2° spec timetable" and giving me 1) preferences 2) impossibilities. I need this information by and not after the morning of Monday 8th February.
See the department or the faculty site for extra information on courses or write to me at the email address published on this blog (forgive telegraphic answers, I have a lot of student email). Please do not use any uniroma1 or dilectio university email address, as I do not use those addresses and your mail will not be seen by me.
Do NOT expect immediate replies to your emails as I do not open the post every day.
Useful addresses: ;
You may also find some things of language and culture interest on my WILSON DI SAPIENZA Facebook page, where I welcome students.